Category Archives: Presentation Skills

Tips for Presentation Training and Audience Engagement

Have you ever sat through a boring presentation that you wished would end?  Learn how our presentation training courses can elevate your presentations for more engagement, vibrancy and persuasion.


The goal of a strong presentation is to capture your audience’s attention and keep them focused on what you have to offer.  These three tips will help you:


Use interesting words. Utilize a Thesaurus to add variation especially if your topic is not terribly exciting.  Through presentation training, you can learn how to maintain audience engagement as well.


Make eye contact!  This will let them know that you are speaking to them.  This will create a sense of intimacy and keep their focus on you and what you have to offer them.


Use gestures.  Our presentation training courses can help you learn the importance of body language and the effective use of gestures.  When your audience senses your enthusiasm, they are more likely to stay tuned!


Presentation training courses can advance your ability to not only deliver a strong presentation with ease but also engage even the toughest audience.


Presenting To Executives

Are you preparing to deliver a presentation to Senior Management?  Are your nerves getting the best of you?  These Executives generally expect more from a presentation than your standard audience.  Let Presentation training and coaching help you understand the skills and attitude you will need to be successful with this demanding and sometimes domineering audience.

Our Presentation training courses can guide you to understand the internal dynamics that cause the anxiety and show you strategies for harnessing that energy into a positive and confident presentation. You are the most knowledgeable person in that room on the topic you are presenting.  You have information that they need and appreciate, so let that be the place of power in overcoming your nerves.

Learn more about our presentation training courses and how they can significantly advance your skills set and increase your confidence.  Visit us at


Improve Presentation Skills with Training on 5 P’s – Part 3

What about Personality?

Personality refers to the color, warmth and meaning that comes from hearing your voice. The personality of your voice will dictate if people are "turned on" or "turned off" when listening to you. Certainly adjusting the pitch and volume will help the quality of your voice. Adding emotion will give your voice color and warmth. So too will a smile which softens and warms up the vocal tones that people hear. Personality can vary from passionate, to bored, to serious, to light.

What personality are you going for when you speak on a given topic? Give it some thought and choose a word that captures the tone you want your voice to convey. Write that word at the top of your notes so that you consciously strive to imbue your voice with the personality that will help you make the most impact.

Using the 5Ps of Vocal Control Together

When you’re just starting out you may want to focus on one P at a time then add in more until you are able to stretch your voice to reveal all 5 P’s in a given presentation. By playing around with each aspect of vocal control you can imbue your voice with interest, warmth, and personality! Utilize each of the P’s, including Pitch, Pace, Pause, Projection & Personality to actively engage your audience and keep them wanting more. If you want additional information on how to hone your presentation skills visit our website at .  Or to get a free copy of report on how to Master Your Presentation Skills drop by our site at


For More Information About Presentation Training

Do you want to learn more about how to improve your presentation skills?  Need some ideas for how to make better presentations at work?  Want to grow your presentation prowess in front of colleagues?  Look at our free resources and presentation skills training options at or at our partner site



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Improve Presentation Skills With Training on Pause & Projection – Part 2


Pause involves stopping momentarily for effect in the middle of your remarks. It is a tool that is used hand in hand with variation of Pace. A pause is best used before or after a significant point as a tool for emphasis. Pause is also a tremendous tool for nervous speakers who tend to speak too fast. By stopping at key points, the speaker allows the audience time to process key points before moving on to new material. One easy trick is to underline key points in your notes and then place the word PAUSE in large letters to remind you to stop speaking for a few seconds. Actively playing with pause will have a profound effect on your presentation prowess. Now that we have covered Pause let’s move on to the powerful tool of Projection.


This aspect of voice is by far the most important as it correlates to your audience’s ability to hear your remarks. Even the most intelligent presenter can not have their desired impact if the people in the room can not hear their key points. With projection, everyone can hear your comments without having to strain their voice. However, there is still value in varying your projection to add intrigue and interest to your comments. For example, you might want to soften your voice to emphasize a key point and then later increase the volume for another point. In either case you must ensure that all members of the audience can hear each and every point. Practice projecting your voice by imagining that everyone is sitting against the far wall in the room. Ensure they can hear you and that you are speaking from your diaphragm.

Now that we have discussed Pause & Projection keep a look out for part 3 of this series which focusses on how to improve presentation skills through practice, coaching and training.  If you are looking for free resources you can visit us at or visit us at

For More Information About Presentation Training Institute

If you would like to learn more about the Presentation Training Institute, and its parent company Bold New Directions,  please visit us and view our free resources at or  at

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Improve Presentation Skills With Training On Pitch & Pace

Voice is a powerful tool for presenters. Voice can make all the difference between success and failure when you’re wanting to fully engage your audience. In sales meetings, company updates or technical meetings, it is critical to keep your audience involved and interested in your remarks. Learn how to stretch your voice by understanding the 5 P’s of Voice Control including Pitch, Pace, Pause, Projection & Personality.  We’ll explore the many aspects of voice and its impact on presentation skills in this three part series.  


Pitch refers to the ups and downs of your notes when you speak. We all have the ability to speak from a vocal range – which includes higher notes and lower notes. However, it takes great awareness and practice to notice your own pitch and to change it consciously. Why is pitch important? A monotone voice bores the audience and a bored audience is less likely to recall your key points or to take action. To play around with pitch try thinking of popular characters who have voices at either end of the vocal range then practice speaking (or singing!) like them. For example you might think of Michael Jackson’s high pitched voice and then compare it with Barry White’s deeper tones. You can also simulate the voices of movie actors to start expanding your own range. Over time your awareness and practice with pitch will enable you to vary your voice as you speak – all in the aim of drawing your audience into your remarks. Now that we’ve looked at Pitch, let’s move on to Pace.


Pace refers to the speed at which you speak. Just as monotone is boring so is mono-pace. A good speaker knows the value of changing the pace as they speak. For example, when you are introducing a topic that is exciting you can speed up the pace of your voice. On the other hand, when you want people to focus their attention you may slow down for emphasis. The overall point is that variation is the key to success here. So play around with your pace next time you speak to see the impact on your audience. Now that we have explored Pace look for the next article in the series that will look at Pause.  See our website at for more information or see our main site at for free tools to improve your presentation skills and overall impact.

For More Information About Improving Presentation Skills

If you’re looking to boost your presentation skills through coaching or training look at our website at for information and free resources.  Want to download a free report on overall communication skills?  Visit our main site at 

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