When Resilience Training Helps

Is your organization going through change? Have you recently merged, downsized or adopted a new vision? These are times when organizations, both large and small, do well to consider a booster shot of resilience for their employees. Recently, we have been approached by all types of organizations who want to help employees and leaders alike feel more capable versus overwhelmed, more optimistic versus negative, more resilient versus stressed. From government agencies, to Fortune 500’s to mid-sized companies, a heavy pace of change can lead many of us to despair that we will never get caught up or regain our balance point.  Fortunately the One Day Resilience At Work Training Program offers an interactive way to bring your team together while boosting their personal and professional resiliency. Next time you feel overwhelmed, do a quick inventory of the changes you are experiencing, plus the successes you are experiencing. If the balance is too heavily weighted to taxing changes, then it’s time to consider how a resilience re-boot could work for you. Contact us to ask about scheduling a Resilience At Work training session at 1-800-501-1245 today.