Monthly Archives: October 2015

Presentation Training – Using Pause Wisely

Learning to make effective presentations takes practice. There is an art to communicating information to an audience and the good news is that it’s learnable! At our presentation training course Seattle, presentation training class New York, and presentation training Philadelphia, we teach the key elements to crafting an engaging presentation.


One tool that we teach is how to pause deliberately so that your audience really takes in valuable information. Within your presentation are a few separate but interrelated facts. We outline how to integrate these facts in a logical but compelling way. Our presentation training course Seattle, presentation class New York, and presentation training Philadelphia covers best practices for success in presenting.


Perhaps you tend to be nervous about presenting and find it hard to set a comfortable pace when delivering. We coach you on how to use pausing as an ally in slowing down during our presentation training course Seattle, presentation class New York, and presentation training Philadelphia programs.


In our presentation training course Seattle, presentation class New York, and presentation training Philadelphia, we will show you how to place a pause at just the right moment so that your audience remains engaged from start to finish.


For more information about our presentation training courses Seattle, presentation classes New York, and presentation training Philadelphia, please contact and


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