Monthly Archives: June 2015

Management Training – Put Yourself in the Shoes of Your Staff

If you are like the rest of we humans, you are wired centricly; that is, self-centered first. This isn’t "bad" (or good); it’s just where we live from. Our eyes see the world from our place in the world. Our brain is inside our head. Our decisions come from all the intake, beliefs, biases that come from being a single, separate (physically) human being. So in our management seminars New York City, management training Boston, management courses in New York City, we discuss how this all makes sense.


But this centricity only initially works for us. Our employees have their own centricity. That means that their world is the world that makes the most sense to them. When you come to our management seminars New York City, management training Boston, management courses in New York City, we take a journey out of "our" worlds and into the more foreign land of "others".


Why journey there (more often)? Why try on the land they live in and from? Trust, believability, motivation! When you cozy up to the perspectives and drivers of your staff, you are more likely to discover the truer selfs at play there. And in our management seminars New York City, management training Boston, management courses in New York City, you learn that looking at the world through their eyes, understanding (a bit more) of how each team member sees things, you can tailor your supervision to more closely meet their needs and goals.


Now trying on "their land" takes effort. You live in your land. But the efforts accomplish two things. You can learn what works best for them and that will work better for your requirements of them. But, as we discuss in our management seminars New York City, management training Boston, management courses in New York City, in employing the Platinum Rule (treat other people like they want to be treated), you yourself get to expand. You become more flexible. And that is your own personal-professional gain.


For more information about our management seminars Atlanta, management training Washington DC, management courses in Philadelphia, please contact or


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Presentation Training Skills – Time Hijackers

You’ve carefully planned your presentation. The material is solid, your timing impeccable. But you are running late. People keep holding back the flow by asking questions. At our presentation class San Francisco, presentation training San Jose and presentation training class Boston, we cover how to handle presentation hijackers.


Everyone in the audience is there to meet their own needs of the material. That makes sense. But not everyone is emotionally aware (socially aware) of their impact on others. How do you handle that. During our presentation class San Francisco, presentation training San Jose and presentation training class Boston, we agree that respectful intruding is not a learned behavior of most people/professionals.


In order to manage your presentation time, you can make a request of your audience right after your "4A’s Setting Direction Opening". It’s perfectly okay to ask your audience to hold their questions until the end of the presentation. When you participate in our presentation class San Francisco, presentation training San Jose and presentation training class Boston, we talk about the difference between trying to control your audience’s behavior and influencing their interruptions by letting them know there is something in it for them to wait.


After you’ve attended our presentation class San Francisco, presentation training San Jose and presentation training class Boston, you can begin to experiment with being stronger in suggesting that holding questions will allow the content to flow more smoothly and, that you may cover answers to their questions along the way.


To register for our presentation class San Francisco, presentation training San Jose and presentation training class Boston, please contact or




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Presentation Training – The Creative Presenter

You’ve been to these presentations. The speaker drones on about this or that, reading their slides, monotone, going through the motions. Death by PowerPoint? Death by sameness!! At our presentation training San Francisco, presentation training San Jose, presentation Washington DC, and presentation training Atlanta, we explore how to differentiate you from the full brigade of common presenters.


No two humans are fully alike. No two presentations are the same. You have an opportunity, each and every time in front of a group, to shine in ways they’ve never seen before. When you attend our presentation training San Francisco, presentation training San Jose, presentation Washington DC, and presentation training Atlanta, you will find ways to harness and harvest your special brand of creativity for most positive impressions on your audiences.


Most people I’ve worked with around the world don’t seem to think of themselves as creative. That’s a shame. The possibility of uniqueness is within everyone of us and right under our noses. This goes for you too. You can absolutely tap into ways of bringing your presentations to life through our presentation training San Francisco, presentation training San Jose, presentation Washington DC, and presentation training Atlanta.


Your audience needs reason to remember you and your material. While it is essential that you ALWAYS deliver material that is relevant to them, how you deliver it makes a huge difference in their retention rate. Why not be creatively memorable! You’ll have more fun and they will have stronger take-aways. Try it out in our presentation training San Francisco, presentation training San Jose, presentation Washington DC, and presentation training Atlanta.


For more information about our presentation training San Francisco, presentation training San Jose, presentation Washington DC, and presentation training Atlanta, please contact or





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Management – Leading Creatively

We all get into ruts. You probably do too. The human brain likes to use already established pathways of thought and feeling; it’s simply easier for it. But habitual leadership is not really inspiring at all. During our management training Seattle, management training San Francisco, management training programs San Francisco, and management training program San Jose, we explore creativity and its positive impact on managing people.


But what does extra emphasis on creativity really serve? Think about it this way. The world is changing ever more quickly; yours included. The same thinking that served you yesterday is just a little obsolete today. For you to stay at the edge of the management game, it will serve you to take a fresh approach (creative), each and every day. That is why we play with thinking and acting outside the box as an essential part of our management training Seattle, management training San Francisco, management training programs San Francisco, and management training program San Jose.


There are barriers to everything in the world. And so, there are barriers to being more creative. One of those obstacles is right inside yourself. Your brain’s wiring. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. But our neural blueprinting has us predisposed to routine; the opposite of creativity. We teach ways out of this cycle at our management training Seattle, management training San Francisco, management training programs San Francisco, and management training program San Jose.


You can begin the process of creative expansion in very simple ways. Try doing something different five times a day for at least a week (to get some momentum going). We do hundreds of things in the same way each and every day of our lives. From which shoe we tie first, to how you button your shirt, to which hand you pick up a cup with; creative prisoners of our own ingrained habits. Shake that up! Intentionally try new approaches. Your brain circuitry will light up in new ways. And each time you do this, you expand your thinking and acting. New thoughts for new situations produces new solutions. At our management training Seattle, management training San Francisco, management training programs San Francisco, and management training program San Jose, you understand the necessity of expanding your inventiveness to become a truly enlightened leader.


For more information about our management training Seattle, management training San Francisco, management training programs San Francisco, and management training program San Jose, please contact or


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The Importance of Communication in Managment

Excellent business communication is key to an organization?s overall effectiveness & profitability. Through comprehensive, multi-faceted communication and management  training, our Management Training Philadelphia and Management Training Boston seminars help expand your ability to communicate effectively within your team, with other divisions, and with external clients. Our corporate communication and presentation skills training like Presentation Training New York and Atlanta will help you and your team think on their feet, refine management skills, sharpen written business communications, or negotiate successfully. Whether you need a business communication workshop, individual skills training, or a keynote session on influence, we have an option for you.

The Management Training Institute works with you and your organization to strengthen management skills through a wide offering of management training solutions. Our management solutions include: Onsite Management Training, Public Leadership Training, Management Coaching & Keynote Events. Typically we work with companies whose managers need to improve communication, inspire staff or grow leadership skills.

To learn more about how our Presentation Training Courses or Managment Training Seminars can work for your organization, please visit or

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