Monthly Archives: April 2015

Presentation Enthusiasm

You’ve been there. The presenter throws words, concepts, information at the audience as if it were the most boring material in the world. No life, no interest, no enthusiasm. Just words. Yuck! At our presentation training San Francisco or presentation training New York, we show you why boring presentations are useless.


There is such a standard pattern of unenthusiastic presentations. Some say, "Death by PowerPoint." We day death by dull presenters. Learn how to stop the madness and attend our presentation training San Francisco or presentation training New York.


We do deliver globally and not just S. F. and NYC. Why? Because we so deeply believe in changing the presentation world from the inside out; turning droll presenters into enthusiastic conveyers of essential information. All of this available through our presentation training San Francisco or presentation training New York.


Your job is always on the line when you present. Why be uninteresting? At our presentation training San Francisco or presentation training New York you will see what’s in it for you to regain the interest level that had you start in your field in the first place.


To register for our presentation training San Francisco or presentation training New York please contact or

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Enthusiastic Managing

How many managers have you seen throughout your career that struck you as exceptionally enthusiastic? All too few! At the management training seminars, management training classes, and management training whoever your company is across the globe you will find skills, tools & insights to freshen your excitement meter!


What’s in it for you to raise your enthusiasm? Happiness! At the management training seminars, management training classes, and management training we will help you connect the dots between enthusiastic managing and your own happiness.


What’s in it for your team? A serious-only manager is tough to work for. But people will be happier to come in to work each day for an enthusiastic leader. Get sparked (again) at the management training seminars, management training classes, and management training in a city near you or bring us in to your location.


How would you rate your current enthusiasm on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10? If you are at a 7 or below, your work life is suffering. Attend the management training seminars, management training classes, and management training gaining skills and "ah ha’s" that will invigorate you.


To register for the management training seminars, management training classes, and management training please contact or

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Management Success Testimonials

The management training programs delivered by Bold New Directions and the Management Training Institute are receiving praise from participants.  Our customizable program, Management Success is the Institute’s key program because it is customizable to a client’s needs.  This customization is the driving factor behind it’s popularity and effectiveness.  The process involved is as follows: We allow the client to select topics from 3 different training modules to design a training experince that addresses their specific needs.  We then set up a call with our Instructor to learn more about the participants and the goals for the training.  This process, although involved, is key to designing and delivering an impactful training experience that is unique to each client.  Here’s what some of our recent participants had to say about the program:

"I believe that today’s class will (and has) helped us begin to build a solid foundation for a more successful and effective team/office."  "This course was a great refresher of content as well as introduction of new content that I am eager to put into action in both my personal and professional lives." 

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Letting Your Nerves Work for You

It is said that the #1 fear is that of public speaking. How about for you? In our Presentation training course and Presentation training seminar, you will find kindred spirits dealing with living along the spectrum of nerves from horrible to slight.


But once you begin to master the presentation skills and insights needed to wow your audiences, the Presentation training course and Presentation training seminar take you to new learning about the inner world of nerves.


Once you’ve integrated the skills, you can begin to attend to the fear. How do you take the energy of anxiety and transform much of it into enthusiasm for your topic. In our Presentation training course and Presentation training seminar, you learn to go from self-conscious to self-aware.


What’s the difference between self-consciousness and self-awareness you ask? In the Presentation training course and Presentation training seminar we discuss how the judger mind criticizes us in self-consciousness while shifting to self aware states allows you to observe what’s going on inside, make changes based on the presentation needs, and keep your mind focused on your audience and the benefit they came to receive.


To register for our Presentation training course and Presentation training seminar contact or

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Presenting to the Board; Presenting to the Masses

You are a Senior Manager who gives boardroom presentations but also speak with many other levels of your organization. What adjustments should you make depending on your audience? At our executive presentation training San Francisco Bay area and executive presentation skills Washington DC, we will guide you on the differences.


Boardroom presentations usually happen with the upper echelon. These are the most busy and least patient people. So in our executive presentation training San Francisco Bay area and executive presentation skills Washington DC we show you how to get to the point and just deliver the bottom line.


But even boardroom audiences might want expanded information. That means you need to know the attendees’ needs in advance or dance in your feet as you assess each group you present to. The skills and insights you receive in our executive presentation training San Francisco Bay area and executive presentation skills Washington DC will be most helpful for achieving this.


But you also deliver to a variety of other organizational levels and multiple personality types. When you attend the executive presentation training San Francisco Bay area and executive presentation skills Washington DC, you discover numerous strategies for reaching all audiences effectively.


To register for our executive presentation training San Francisco Bay Area and executive presentation skills Washington DC contact or

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