Letting Your Nerves Work for You

It is said that the #1 fear is that of public speaking. How about for you? In our Presentation training course and Presentation training seminar, you will find kindred spirits dealing with living along the spectrum of nerves from horrible to slight.


But once you begin to master the presentation skills and insights needed to wow your audiences, the Presentation training course and Presentation training seminar take you to new learning about the inner world of nerves.


Once you’ve integrated the skills, you can begin to attend to the fear. How do you take the energy of anxiety and transform much of it into enthusiasm for your topic. In our Presentation training course and Presentation training seminar, you learn to go from self-conscious to self-aware.


What’s the difference between self-consciousness and self-awareness you ask? In the Presentation training course and Presentation training seminar we discuss how the judger mind criticizes us in self-consciousness while shifting to self aware states allows you to observe what’s going on inside, make changes based on the presentation needs, and keep your mind focused on your audience and the benefit they came to receive.


To register for our Presentation training course and Presentation training seminar contact www.boldnewdirections.com or www.presentationtraininginstitute.com

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