Curiosity – A Key Management Skill – Part 2 of 4 Part Series

At Bold New Directions our management training teaches managers to lead with curiosity. Last week we took a look at Part 1 of this series, Increasing Satisfaction in Management & Staff Roles. In this article, part 2 of a 4 part series, we look at how to improve management skills by asking powerful questions which are signposts of curiously.


Improve your management skills by asking powerful questions.

In our management training programs we stress the fact that great managers and leaders look at “problems” as opportunities. That takes what we call an attitude of adventure. And adventure translates into curiosity. There is great satisfaction through problem solving.

Albert Einstein said, “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” So how do you get out of the thinking mode you were in when the challenge started? Curiosity!

A huge skill set allied with curiosity is asking powerful questions. When you ask open-ended questions of people, they are more likely to reveal important information that you, the manager, need.

To ask powerful questions, start your sentences with “What…” or “How…” for best results. Examples: “What has guided your thought process?” “How did you go about selecting that strategy?” Instead of a direct question, you can also use requests like, “Tell me more…” or “Help me to understand…”

Another key in satisfying your curiosity with people through questions is to use a warm tone of voice. How different do you think the response would be if you were to use a “demanding” tone?

When we know that someone sincerely and respectfully wants to hear what we have to say and to learn from us, we feel drawn to open up and give real and honest answers.

For More Information About Growing Your Management Skills

For more resources about management skills training, managing change, or building team effectiveness, visit our website at: or learn about management training at . Or stay tuned to read parts 3 & 4 of this Series on Improving Your Management Skills Through Curiosity



Adapted from the book entitled Managing From The Inside Out written by Jim Hornickel, edited by Suzanne Guthrie, available at



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